Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Improve Concentration

It’s for practical purposes that people want to learn how to improve concentration. The ability to marshal all mind and body energies and focus on one task, thing or project in particular has immense benefits and a great positive impact on the individual’s life. If you search for methods to improve concentration, it means that your mind is constantly assaulted by a great number of thoughts or that you try to do several things at the same time without too much success.
Avoid the distraction of your thoughts
There is a constant buzz inside our heads that does not stop at all. Most people are not even aware of it. I’ll give you a very conclusive example and a test for you: what do you think of when you eat? Some people eat in front of the TV, at their computer desk, or in the company of family or friends (usually talking). If you are alone, you eat mechanically as your mind rambles on about your next business plan, your vacation or your family problems.
Do these sound familiar? I’m sure they do. If you search online you’ll see that most tips suggest that you keep thoughts under control to actually find out how to improve concentration. Yet, your thoughts escape control in most of cases, and that method could prove a waste of time.
Eliminate tension or stress from your body and mind!
If you feel tense on a regular basis and you live like the clock is ticking just for you, then, you need to break the vicious circle of daily stress at least once a day. Here are some examples of exercises to do in the morning before going to work.
Get into your room, turn the music loud and jump, dance, sing, scream, laugh or even cry. The important thing is to move or act as chaotically as you feel without any control or restraint.
Go out for a jog early in the morning and run as fast and as far as you can (within your limits).
The effects of such a ‘crazy’ morning exercise will be felt right away. There is usually so much peace and quiet in your mind, a feeling of emptiness and relief as if a great weight has been removed from your shoulders. It becomes a lot easier to work and stay focused afterward, once the tension has been eliminated.

How to improve concentration with positive thinking

Positive thinking is of an immense help for those who want to live a more fulfilled and rewarding life. Focusing on bright, happy memories can help you go through very tough times. The human mind has a very unpleasant way of accumulating bad events and maintaining them vivid in your memory.
We’ll remember a fight with a friend, the boss or the spouse for days, weeks or years, yet we won’t treasure the most beautiful sunset we’ve seen or a child’s smile. Focusing on the bright side of life does tremendous good for mental health. Even if you are assaulted by problems and thoughts and you can’t focus on a specific task, you can find your way by evoking a happy memory and reliving it in detail.
The key here would be that you exercise the ‘happy’ memory and try to remember and relive the positive emotion over and over again, as many times as you can throughout a day.

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